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Why is this Nation so important?
Because they are 'God's chosen people'. Not because
they are the best but because of Abraham's, Isaac's
and Jacob's love, faith and obedience to Him. [God].

This is the most controversial nation on the face of the earth.
There is hardly a newspaper that does not refer to this
remarkable place.
What happens there is the most important news in the
world today!
"As goes Israel, so goes the World"

Israel is the keeper of God's Promises not only for
themselves, but for all mankind. . . . ."chiefly because
unto them were committed the oracles of God."
Romans 3:2

What happens to them has a hugh impact on all nations.

Genesis 12:1-3 "Now the Lord said unto Abram. . . . and
I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that
curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be

Israel is the only nation of the earth that can say,
"This is our land because God gave it to us."


God Commissioned Israel to pour out His Word
and represent Him to all the other nations.
After Israel was scattered throughout the earth for
many centuries, God started to gather them back
to the land of Israel as a nation in May 1948.

Happy 60th Birthday Israel!!

The Old Testament is a record of Israel's ups and downs
but God would not forsake the people of His covenant.
When the New Testament Church came into being there
was a question of What About Israel?

The Church and Israel are not the same.
The Kingdom will be offered to Israel as a nation again,
they will be re-instated to a promised place of rulership.

Israel has a bright promise that will happen in the Last

Israel will inherit the earth. Romans 4:13

Israel after being converted during the Tribulation will
inherit the world.

All the world began with the Nation of Israel. . . . .

Israel gave the world a human Savior for redemption. . . .

garden tomb

Israel must always be respected, loved and cared for. . . .

To keep an eye on the fortunes of the world, is to keep
and eye on Israel. That is where everything began, and
that is where everything will end.
God is still working on Israel as a nation, from the
past, through the present, and into the future.
Israel keeps having problems because God has
forbidden them to make deals with anyone.

Israel's present and future will be filled with
military attacks by all the nations of the world.

"All the nations of the earth be gathered together
against it." Zechariah 12:3
A moving of the Holy Spirit will cleanse the people
of Israel. They will look upon Christ and see Him
as the Son of God, The Savior of the World, the
only Messiah offered to them.

In the Millennium during the Reign of Jesus Christ
Israel will enjoy the leadership of the world.

Israel's future will be on the new earth.

Ezekiel 37:21-28

Israel will be redeemed, will be protected
during the Tribulation Period, will rule during
the Millennial Reign of Christ, and they will
be the ruler of the Earth forever. . . . .